You don't own your BRAND without a FEDERAL TRADEMARK
Registering your trademark is an important step to protecting your brand identity. Your trademark is a symbol to identify your business and registering your trademark is the best bet to prevent another business from using your logo or name to conduct business!
CLICK HERE to hear our radio interview about trademarks!
An overview of our trademark process
Purchase our trademark registration package on
our website
Complete our trademark information form sent
to you via email
We conduct a trademark clearance search for any competing marks
We send you a search results memo via email and you schedule a strategy call
We file your application
with the United States
Patent & Trademark Office!

If you are selling a product or a service YOU NEED A TRADEMARK! Not trademarking your name, logo or slogan is leaving the most important part of your business vulnerable to be copied or registered by someone else. If you're going back and forth about whether you need to register your trademark, think about all of the hard work, time and persistence that it took to get where you are. Now think about how you would feel if someone copied your brand or sent you a cease and desist letter for your own brand. With A.C. Smith Law on your team, we will work to give your brand the protection it deserves!

Benefits of Registering your Trademark
Federal trademarks provide legal protection for your brand in the entire United States and its territories.
Protects against federal registration of competing marks that are identical or confusingly similar marks.​​​
Once your trademark is registered you can use the ® trademark registration symbol which puts others on notice that you own the brand!​
With your registered trademark, you can have stronger cease and desist letters to deter others from using your brand in business.​
You don’t have to run your business with the fear of receiving a cease and desist letter or whether your investment in your brand is protected.
Your registered trademark will deter others from starting brands with an identical or similar name as yours.​
Trademarks last forever, as long as you are still using it and file your maintenance documents.

Is this You?

You Googled and tried to figure out how to register your trademark on your own.
You filed your trademark on your own and you received an Office Action.
Your trademark is not registered and you received a Cease and Desist letter.
Your LLC does NOT protect your BRAND name
Your DBA does NOT protect your BRAND name
You CAN trademark your BRAND NAME, LOGO and SLOGAN!
What are you waiting for? Get in touch with us and get your TRADEMARK filed right the FIRST time!