Trademark Registration
Our Trademark Registration package includes:
- A Comprehensive Trademark Search to see if there are there any similar pending or registered trademarks;
- Trademark Search Results Memo including an analysis about whether the marks from the search are likely to be an issue for your application or not;
- Filing the application;
- Assistance with Gathering the Required Documentation for the application;
- Correspondence with the Trademark Office, including non-substantive Office Actions;
- Correspondence with Client;
- Unlimited Client meetings;
- Attorney of Record During the Pendency of the Application to Ensure Smooth Processing;
- Filing fee for one class of goods/services.
You can check out our trademark FAQ's here.
We know how hard it is to build a business and how important it is to protect it. Brand ownership is the key to financial value because a strong brand often guarantees future business. If you do not want anyone to be able to tell you how you can use your trademarks, then let's register your trademark today and secure your brand!
We look forward to working with you to Protect your Brand!
Payment plan:
Our payment plan requires $499 to be paid at checkout and automatic deductions of $499 for 3 months. Payment plans are not eligible for promotional discounts.